Some people would say that keeping your home clean and tidy is the key to peace and happiness, while some think that it is solely down to the fengshui. Others would argue that even the simplest aspects of a home, like colour schemes, textures and small home accessories could create the best meditative living space.
Claire Bloom, Ecora’s in-house interior designer, says, “The modern home is now being renovated and decorated with a sense of cohesion, sustainability and serenity”.
She continues, “One of the most effective ways to find inner peace, is to be in an environment that evokes a sense of tranquility and calmness to the five senses."
We asked Claire what her key elements are in making a meditative space for your home:
Bringing nature in – plants and flowers
Having plants in your home is the cheapest, simplest way to improve, not only the tranquility of your home, but also the flow of air circulation in your humble abode. Plants are nature’s first air purifier, and the different hues and tones of green bring a feel of freshness and calmness, as well promoting a sense of healing. Hanging planters are a great way to elevate your greenery to all heights of your home, while indoor tree plants can compliment your furniture, and small succulents make gorgeous decorations on your windowsill.
Elemental themes – natural stone, woods, woven products
On the idea of bringing nature into your home, materials like stone and natural woods have the ability to create a luxurious natural look, while endorsing sustainability and eco-living. For example, having stones and pebbles in your bathroom can give a deeper, earthier dimension to the space while also lowering your stress levels. The same goes for wood - having wood in your home mimics the effect of being in the outdoors with Mother Nature, and usually in its line of production, the finishing effects of wood tend to reflect natural light very well, giving the illusion of more open space and bringing nature’s glorious appeal indoors.
Evoking your senses – colour and smells
It is a known fact that colours can evoke emotions, for example red is associated with passion and anger, yellow is mellow and happy, and white is total purity and even coldness in some circumstances. For the best meditative ambiences in your home, violet is a colour known to evoke and increase your spiritual awareness, and it has association with time, space and the galaxy. Green, which can easily be decorated by using plants, can evoke feelings of balance, refreshment and peace. Blue, which is also apparently the world’s favourite colour, is often associated with the sky and the sea, and can invoke emotions of clearness, calmness and serenity.
Sense of space, flow, circulation – storage options, open spaces
The most basic way of creating a more peaceful space is, of course, to make space. Homes that are messy and more than likely to reflect the messy and unorganized mindset in any person, which is why people often feel that they need to clean their homes regularly. In fact, people who ‘declutter’ are able to organise their minds by removing attachments to physical objects, and to focus more on the details of physical life and the beauty of nature around. Even if you are finding it hard to get rid of your things, being able to organise your home by putting them neatly into storage, or even ensuring you have a spacious walkway from room to room can encourage structure and control of your own living space. Stressed is the last thing you need to be in your humble abode!
Natural illumination – vases, mirrors, lanterns
The rays of the suns are filled with so many benefits, such as giving plants life, powering us with solar energy, and ultimately illuminating a beautiful world through our eyes. Not only does natural light perform better for our eyes in comparison to artificial light, it also improves our concentration levels and stimulates our happy emotions – but the most amazing thing is that natural light apparently has the ability to increase our healing process. To encourage natural light, you could clear obstructions from your windows and place reflective home accessories like glass vases, mirrors and even light-toned floorboards in your home. Candles are another way to create a reflective and peaceful mood in your home instantly developing a softer light that relaxes and soothes. A candle can also transform a room through its scent such as lavender or rose.
Our top selling products for a meditative space:

Top left to right: Blue stoneware bowl (£16.75) || Hanging planters (£29.95) || Hurricane lantern with candle (from £64)
Bottom left to right: Brass & black rod light (£185) || Scented candle (£12.95) || Antique copper mirror (£29.95)